"I seem to sweat a lot which is embarrassing in itself, but the stench has really made me anxious about going out. I carry a spare shirt everywhere I go. Thanks to FreshMD, I am no longer suffering this humiliation!"*
- Michael O.
100% Pure - All Natural Ingredients with No Fillers, Binders or Additives
FreshMD™ was created to meet the growing demands of consumers for a high quality, premium malodor relief product at the best price possible. It is the strongest, most effective option available on the market.*

Read Clinical Studies about the ingredients found in FreshMD Premium.*

How Can You Avoid Inferior Malodor Products
And Choose One That Will Actually Work?
"Not All Malodor Products Are Created Equal."
Before you buy a bad breath and body odor formula, it's important you know what you're buying. Fly-by-night supplement makers are rushing to create their own version of a natural malodor product and "cash-in" on the new phenomenon of treating bad breath and body odor naturally.
Beware, many of the supplements out there claim to have the best product, but most of them either don't have enough key natural ingredients to be effective or use poor quality synthetic versions. And more importantly, most products do not use the proper dose found beneficial in clinical studies.
Effective results with malodor products are mainly dependent on the quality of the formula you buy*. So before you purchase, make sure the bad breath and body odor product you choose meets all the top criteria.
Why Are Natural Bad Odor Products The Most Popular Approach Today?

Bad breath and body odor can be embarrassing and cause emotional stress and anxiety which may lead to social isolation. While we commonly mask these malodors with the use of cosmetics and breath mints, the problem may actually be stemming from inside of our body. As part of this approach, the way to dealing with these malodors is by fighting the root cause of the problem.
Natural supplements for combating malodors such as bad breath, body odor, and foot odor have become popular for targeting the root cause of the problem. The ingredients found in these supplements work from the inside of the body to reduce these odors. This is more effective than simply masking the problem from the outside with the use of cosmetics and breath fresheners. Key ingredients that have been found to be effective in clinical studies for combating malodors include Chlorophyllin, Green Tea Extract, Peppermint Oil, and L. Acidophilus to name but a few. You can learn more about these ingredients by clicking here.*
Bad breath and body odor can cause significant psychological distress to suffers so it is important to find an effective remedy. Natural supplements formulated using key natural ingredients backed by clinical studies and research go a long way in combating malodors from the root of the problem.
*Results of this study may not be an implication of future results. Always consult your physician before making any dietary changes or starting any nutritional and lifestyle changes.
Don't Get Fooled When Buying A Malodor Product!
There is a lot to watch out for when buying a bad breath and body odor relief formula. For your convenience, we summarized the most important factors in one table. You can see what the recommendations are and where our product stands compared to others on the market.
First and foremost, make sure it contains key ingredients proven effective in combating malodors.* L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin, and Peppermint Oil have been shown to positively address the symptoms of bad breath and body odor.*
Second, make sure the formula you choose contains only natural ingredients and no preservatives, additives, binders or fillers.
Here are the criteria:
- It must contain key ingredients such as L. Acidophilus and Chlorophyllin.
- It must be 100% pure and natural, with no additives or preservatives.
- And it should contain the same dosage & purity found in clinical studies.
So, check the label and make sure it meets all of these criteria. If it doesn't, don't buy it!
(click here to see our label)
Here are other factors you want to look out for when buying a quality malodor product:
- Look out for false claims and unsupported facts.
- Make sure the supplement is made in an approved registered laboratory.
- Make sure the manufacturing facility is cGMP certified.
- And finally, make sure it complies with the US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.
YES, FreshMD™ meets all the above criteria: It contains 6 key ingredients backed by clinical studies for optimal support and relief. It does not contain fillers, binders, preservatives, additives or any unnecessary ingredients. It is manufactured in an approved registered and cGMP certified lab which complies with US Pharmacopeia's quality standards.
FreshMD Premium Vs. The Competition
FreshMD Premium compared to the leading brands in the industry. | ![]() FreshMD Premium | ![]() Brand A | ![]() Brand B |
Contains 6 key ingredients for combating malodors | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
1 Bottle Supply | 30 days | 30 days | 25 days |
No binders, fillers, preservatives or artificial ingredients | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Manufactured in an FDA approved facility | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Third-party tested and monitored | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Includes L. Acidophilus and Chlorophyllin | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Contains ingredients backed by clinical research | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
What About FreshMD Premium?
Does It Meet All Of The Above Criteria?
FreshMD Premium was created to meet the growing demands of consumers for a high quality, premium malodor relief product at the best price possible.
We developed FreshMD Premium with 100% of the criteria in mind and made sure to give you the highest quality product you would expect from a premium product.
At FreshMD Premium, we never use false claims or misrepresent the facts. We tell you about what's out there, what's working and why. We only quote from real clinical studies. And we will never put you on an auto-ship program. We don't believe in them. You will be billed one time and that's it.
What Sets FreshMD Premium Apart From Other Products?
- FreshMD Premium contains 6 key ingredients including L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin, Peppermint Oil and more.
- FreshMD Premium is doctor-formulated and recommended. (Each ingredient was selected based on clinical data and scientific studies).
- FreshMD Premium has no additives, fillers or binders.
- FreshMD Premium contains only 100% pure natural ingredients and not synthetic ones.
- FreshMD Premium is vegan friendly.
- FreshMD Premium is manufactured in an FDA registered lab that is cGMP certified.
- And it complies with the US Pharmacopeia's standards for quality and purity.
If you believe that FreshMD™ meets all the criteria of a high quality malodor relief product and you're serious about combating bad breath and body odor*, then don't settle for cheap imitations. Try FreshMD™ today and learn why we believe it's one of the best ways to achieve your personal health goals.
Join the 1,000's of satisfied customers who have experienced great results using FreshMD Premium!
All You Need To Know About Malodors
And How To Treat Challenging Symptoms
OK, first things first - it's important to understand what malodors are and what you can do to combat bad breath and body odor.
Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a very embarrassing condition which may cause significant stress to the sufferer. The issue may be stemming from internal issues such as too many toxins in the body. It could also be the result of an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Dehydration is another cause of bad breath as there is not enough saliva to wash away dead skin cells in the mouth, causing them to decompose and result in bad breath.
Body odor, medically known as bromhidrosis, is a part of life for most people. Body odor is usually connected to sweat, however, sweat itself is odorless. The strong smell associated with sweat is when the sweat mixes with the bacteria that is found on the surface of the skin which is more prominent in your armpits and your groin area. Other factors that contribute to body odor include poor hygiene, stress, diet, hormonal changes and certain medications.
Bad breath and body odor are unpleasant and can cause emotional distress so being proactive about finding a solution is of the utmost importance. As clinical studies suggest, there are specific ingredients that can target the internal cause of the problem rather than just masking the symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms Of Bad Breath And Body Odor?
25% of the global population suffers from halitosis which accounts for one third of all dentist visits. However, the problem is not always related to oral hygiene.
Both bad breath and body odor can affect the quality of a person's life. Bad breath is often the result of an imbalance of bacteria, either in the mouth or in the gut. Body odor is the result of sweat mixing with bacteria on the skin. We have two types of sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine. The eccrine glands are all over the body and produce sweat when we are hot. The apocrine glands are in more specific areas such as the underarms and groin region. Studies have found that individuals with strong body odor have larger apocrine glands.
What Are The Causes Of Malodors?
Bad breath and body odor does not always mean poor hygiene. Sometimes, it can indicate a serious disease in the body so it is important to take note.
If symptoms present themselves, it is important that you visit your doctor as soon as possible as early intervention can assist in treating the issue more effectively.
Here, we list some of the common reasons you may be experiencing bad breath or body odor:
- ●Sinus Problems - Bad breath may stem from a problem in your sinuses such as an infection or microbial buildup. Nasal polyps, which is an overgrowth in the lining of the sinuses, is another cause.
- ●Digestive Diseases - Conditions which allow for gases to pass from the stomach to the mouth cavity may cause bad breath. Examples include acid reflux, bloating and constipation.
- ●Liver Problems - The liver helps break down waste for excretion by the body. When the liver isn't functioning as it should, bad breath may occur as the body tries to excrete these waste products.
- ●Trimethylaminuria - This is a genetic disorder where the body can't break down the compound trimethylamine. This results in a fishy odor being released in urine, sweat, and the breath. This can often lead to social isolation and depression.
- ●Diabetes - When the body does not produce enough insulin, it starts to use fat for fuel which results in an increase of ketones in the body. This increase may cause body odor to change.
What's The Science Behind Malodor Products?
And Do They Really Work?
Natural dietary malodor products are generally safe to take and are being favored more and more over prescription medication, which can often leave nasty side effects in its tracks. Specific key ingredients have been shown to help reduce the effects of bad breath and body odor.
The problem is when manufacturers don't pay attention to the research and produce ineffective formulas that simply will not get the results you are looking for. Always check the label and look for pure, natural ingredients backed by clinical studies and research. Synthetically grown ingredients in a lab and low amounts of key natural ingredients in a product will essentially make a malodor product ineffective.
Key ingredients that have been identified as being helpful in the treatment of bad breath and body odor include L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin, Green Tea Extract, and Peppermint Oil to name but a few. A clinical study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found Magnolia Bark Extract to be an effective remedy for bad breath compared to mints and chewing gum. Details can be found on our clinical study page.
The study was conducted on nine healthy individuals after they had eaten lunch. The individuals were divided into two groups, and the group who received the mints laced with Magnolia Bark Extract had a bigger reduction in the bacteria found in their mouth which causes bad breath.
The use of natural supplements including key, clinically-proven ingredients is an excellent long-term solution for fighting bad breath and body odor. But make sure you only buy a premium malodor relief product that will actually help and not just some powder in a pill.*
Studies: Natural Malodor Healthcare
Summary Of The Clinical Studies And Research
After bad breath and body odor and natural treatments were discussed on TV by the world's most famous doctor, the sales of malodor products went through the roof. To be clear, he does not endorse any specific malodor products per se, but he does give some guidelines about natural methods of taking care of bad breath and body odor.
Bad breath and body odor are not new problems when it comes to health. They are common conditions which affect a large percent of the population. However, symptoms of bad breath and body odor can cause psychological stress and worry to sufferers which may lead to social isolation. The usual methods of tackling this problem, such as cosmetics and breath mints, simply mask the problem without dealing with the root cause. As the cause is often stemming from internal issues, it is important to find a product to deal with these issues. By taking supplements containing key natural, clinically-proven ingredients, you can help get rid of bad breath and body odor more effectively and with fewer side effects than when compared to other more conventional products available.
Clinical Study: Magnolia Bark Extract
Bad breath is often the result of bacteria in the mouth from food or saliva. One study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry was conducted on nine healthy individuals after eating lunch. The individuals were given either regular mints and gum or mints and gum laced with Magnolia Bark Extract.
Saliva samples were taken from the individuals both before lunch and at 30 minute and 60 minute intervals after they consumed the mints and gum after lunch, to see if there was any difference in their salivary bacteria.
The Results Of The Clinical Study
Results showed that the gum and mints containing Magnolia Bark Extract had a stronger effect on killing the bacteria that cause bad breath such as Streptococcus mutans. The regular mints and chewing gum only reduced the total salivary bacteria by 3.6% at 30 minutes compared to 43% with the Magnolia Bark Extract.
In summary, Magnolia Bark Extract shows significant antibacterial properties for reducing bad breath. Natural health supplements that contain Magnolia Bark Extract along with other clinically proven natural ingredients may be very effective in combating bad breath and body odor.
You can read the full research document on this clinical study by clicking here.*
*Results of this study may not be an implication of future results.
FreshMD™ Proprietary Blend of Ingredients
(Backed by Clinical Studies) Click Here to see our label

Lactobacillus Acidophilus
L. Acidophilus is a probiotic (good bacteria) that occurs naturally in the body in the gastrointestinal, mouth, and genitalia. It helps keep the bacteria in balance in the gut and mouth, where an imbalance may lead to bad breath and body odor. Although, it is naturally present in the body, taking it from an external source can help keep levels balanced.
Fijan, Sabina (2014). "Microorganisms with Claimed Probiotic Properties: An Overview of Recent Literature". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11 (5): 4745-4767.
Haukioja, Anna (2010). "Probiotics and Oral Health". Eur J Dent. Jul; 4(3): 348-355.

Chlorophyllin-Copper Complex
Chlorophyllin is a group of water-soluble salts that are derived from chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the compound in certain vegetables giving them their green color. Because chlorophyllin is water-soluble, it is easily absorbed by the body and able to bind to odor causing compounds and remove them from the body through bowel movements.
Castro DJ, Lohr CV, Fischer KA, Waters KM, Webb-Robertson BJ, Dashwood RH, Bailey GS, Williams DE (2009). "Identifying efficacious approaches to chemoprevention with chlorophyllin, purified chlorophylls and freeze-dried spinach in a mouse model of transplacental carcinogenesis". Carcinogenesis 30 (2): 315-320.
Osowski A, Pietrzak M, Wieczorek Z, Wieczorek J (2010). "Natural compounds in the human diet and their ability to bind mutagens prevents DNA-mutagen intercalation". Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 73 (17-18): 1141-1149.

Green Tea Extract
Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant and contains a high amount of polyphenols. These help the body get rid of toxins from the environment which helps reduce body odor and bad breath. Green Tea also has antibacterial properties which help fight the microbes in the mouth which cause bad breath.
Khan N, Mukhtar H (2013). "Tea and health: studies in humans". Current pharmaceutical design (Literature Review) 19 (34): 6141-7.
Lodha, Parth, et al., (2008), "Effect of Green Tea on Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Mouth Air." J. Nutr. Sci Vitaminol. 54, 89-94.

Magnolia Bark Extract
Magnolia Bark contains the compounds magnolol and honokiol. Studies have found that these compounds are able to reduce bad breath by killing the bacteria that causes it. Magnolia Bark is also well-known for reducing stress and anxiety which is another known cause of bad breath and body odor.
Michael Greenberg, Philip Urnezis and Minmin Tian. Compressed Mints and Chewing Gum Containing Magnolia Bark Extract Are Effective against Bacteria Responsible for Oral Malodor. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2007, 55 (23), pp 9465-9469.
Kalman D.S., Feldman S., Feldman R., Schwartz H.I., Krieger D.R., Garrison R. (2008). "Effect of a proprietary Magnolia and Phellodendron extract on stress levels in healthy women: A pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial". Nutrition Journal 7 (1): 11. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-7-11.

Peppermint Oil
Peppermint Oil is known for its many health benefits for a range of health conditions. It helps deal with digestion problems which contribute to malodors. It also has antiseptic properties which help keep the teeth and gums germ-free, preventing bad breath.
Khanna R, MacDonald JK, Levesque BG (July 2014). "Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis". Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 48 (6): 505-12.
Thosar, Nilima (2013). "Antimicrobial efficacy of five essential oils against oral pathogens: An in vitro study." Eur J Dent. Sep; 7(Suppl 1): S71-S77.

Fennel Seed
The oil found in Fennel Seeds has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from bloating and constipation. Fennel Seeds can also help improve digestion by increasing the production of gastric juices which is important for preventing body odor and bad breath.
Balch, P.A. (2002). Prescription for Herbal Healing. (pp.243-44) Penguin Putnam Inc.
Badgujar, S. B., Patel, V. V., & Bandivdekar, A. H. (2014). Foeniculum vulgare Mill: A Review of Its Botany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, Contemporary Application, andToxicology. BioMed Research International, 2014, 842674. doi:10.1155/2014/842674.
Why Is FreshMD Premium The #1 Choice For A Malodor Product?
What makes FreshMD Premium the best malodor product on the market? Plain and simple, we meet all of the guidelines and exceed them... See the checklist below:
FreshMD Premium is doctor-formulated and recommended.
- FreshMD Premium contains 6 key ingredients including L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin, Magnolia Bark, and Peppermint Oil.
- FreshMD Premium has no additives, fillers, binders or preservatives.
- FreshMD Premium is 100% pure with clinically proven natural ingredients.
- FreshMD Premium is vegan friendly.
- FreshMD Premium is manufactured in an FDA registered lab that is cGMP certified.
- And complies with the US Pharmacopeia's standards for quality & purity.
There's No Comparison...
If you believe that FreshMD Premium meets all the criteria of a high quality malodor relief product and you're serious about combating bad breath and body odor*, then don't settle for cheap imitations. Try FreshMD Premium today and learn why we believe it's one of the best ways to achieve your personal health goals.
*Results contained within may not be an implication of future results. Always consult your physician before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.
Tell Us About Your Success
We love to hear from people who have benefited from taking FreshMD Premium
We're proud of FreshMD Premium and believe it is the most effective malodor product available. And we're happy that so many of our customers agree with us! So, if you have experienced great results with FreshMD Premium, tell us about it! We would love to hear from you!
If you would like to leave a message or ask a question that is not answered below, feel free to ask. We're here to help you! Just click here to go to customer support.
Answers To Your Frequently Asked Questions
About FreshMD Premium
Please click on a question below to view the answer.
1. Why choose FreshMD Premium?
FreshMD Premium is the premium brand for a high quality malodor relief supplement. We keep everything transparent and don't hide behind our label or our website. Plain and simple, we provide the best malodor product at the best prices. We never use false claims and will never bill your credit card for anything you didn't order - no auto-shipping!
FreshMD Premium was made to meet all of the recommended criteria and go above and beyond them to make sure you get the absolute best bad breath and body odor relief product.
FreshMD Premium is doctor-formulated and recommended.
- FreshMD Premium contains 6 key ingredients including L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin, Magnolia Bark, and Peppermint Oil.
- FreshMD Premium has no additives, fillers, binders or preservatives.
- FreshMD Premium is 100% pure with clinically proven natural ingredients.
- FreshMD Premium is vegan friendly.
- FreshMD Premium is manufactured in an FDA registered lab that is cGMP certified.
- And complies with the US Pharmacopeia's standards for quality & purity.
2. How does it work?
FreshMD Premium works on multiple levels to combat bad breath and body odor. Key ingredients work from the inside to help get rid of bad breath and body odor from the root cause of the problem without simply masking the symptoms.*
This is an effective supplement for those already suffering the symptoms of bad breath and body odor as well as those who want to prevent future issues occurring.* As all the ingredients in the formula are natural, this is safe to take long-term as a preventative treatment.*
3. How quickly should I expect to see results?
It varies with each person. For some it can take as little as one week, while for others it may take slightly longer to see results.*
4. What's the recommended dose?
The recommended dose is two capsules daily. Each bottle of FreshMD Premium contains 60 capsules, which equates to full one month's supply.
5. Can I see the label of FreshMD Premium?
Of course! Please click here to see our label.
6. What are all the ingredients inside each capsule?
FreshMD Premium contains the purest grade clinically proven ingredients like L. Acidophilus, Chlorophyllin-Copper Complex, Green Tea Extract, Magnolia Bark Extract, Peppermint Oil, and Fennel Seed, in the correct quantities, as indicated in clinical studies.
All of the 6 tested ingredients meet the strength and purity standards set forth by the USP/NF (United States Pharmacopeia–National Formulary). Each ingredient was carefully researched and selected based on clinical data. Details can be found on our clinical study page. FreshMD Premium ranks among the highest in terms of quality and purity of ingredients and effectiveness on the market.
7. Are there any side effects associated with taking FreshMD Premium?
There are no noted side effects when taking this product. FreshMD Premium is manufactured in a cGMP certified laboratory in the USA. The ingredients are 100% pure, all natural with no additives, preservatives, or artificial ingredients.
It is also important to note that you should ensure not to exceed the recommended daily dose as set forth by the manufacturer.
8. Will FreshMD Premium really help me get rid of bad breath and body odor?
While every person is different, clinical studies have shown the effectiveness of key ingredients contained within the formula of FreshMD Premium. That said, results will vary between individuals depending on a variety of elements including age, race, diet, pre-existing health conditions and the type of symptoms displayed.*
9. Can I take FreshMD Premium if I'm on other medications or pregnant?
FreshMD Premium uses only the highest quality natural ingredients. There are no known interactions with any medications, but that said, we recommend that you consult with your primary care physician if you have any concerns.
10. Where can I buy FreshMD™?
FreshMD Premium is only available online. You can order FreshMD™ from Amazon by clicking here.
11. How do I contact customer support?
Please go to our customer support page with any questions by clicking here. Our representatives will be happy to assist you.
12. Do you ship discreetly?
Yes! We always ship in discreet, plain packaging – nobody will know the contents.
* Results contained within may not be an implication of future results. Always consult your physician before making any dietary or lifestyle changes.
Choose Your Savings Package!
You can save Over $200 with our different packages!
FreshMD Premium was designed to help you combat bad breath and body odor with the best quality all-natural ingredients available. We are providing a 90-day 100% money back promise, so you can feel confident that FreshMD Premium will work for you.
To help you achieve malodor relief, we have several different savings packages available, depending on your needs. We recommend trying FreshMD Premium for 6 months. The savings in the long run will be well worth it.